Tigers Eye

Monday, 19 December 2011

Christmas Crystals

This time of year can be a stressful time for many.  Preparing for Christmas, buying presents, writing cards, shopping for food all take time and energy.

It is often a time when there are many bugs and viruses going round, so if you are busy it is possible  that  your immune system may also be low and therefore you may well be more susceptible to the bugs and viruses.

This blog will focus on three crystals that are both stress relievers and immune boosters :-


Lapis Lazuli

Black  Tourmaline

So how do I use these crystals to help me?
Cleanse  (washing) the crystals under running water, then put them in sunlight or moonlight for a couple of hours to “charge” or energise them.

Then “programme” them by telling them what you would like them to do for you
e.g. help to relieve stress, to boost your immune system or even both or you can ask them to work for your grater good, in truth, love and light.

Then keep your crystals close to you – in your pocket, under your pillow or make a crystal elixir (see previous blog for instructions).
Enjoy the crystals and the benefits they will give you during the festive season.

Events for 2012

I will be running a monthly Crystal Meditation Group.  During these sessions we will study and meditate with a different crystal each month.  This will be starting on 19th January from 10.30am - 12.30pm.  If there is enough interest, I will also run an evening session.  
The cost will be £10 per session or £50 if you pay for 6 sessions in advance.  The cost includes the crystal that you will be meditating with, a handout containing information about that crystal and refreshments.

Forthcoming Workshop - Dates to be confirmed
Crystals for Spiritual Development
Twelve Chakras
Using Crystals during an Indian Head Massage

Please either leave me a comment on this site or contact me via my website if you have any questions or would like to make a booking.

Seasons Greeting and wishing you all a very Happy, Healthy and Prosperous New Year.


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