Tigers Eye

What I do

Body in Balance offers :-

Crystals - including mail order crystals
Meditation sessions  -I have even done meditation sessions by Skype!
Meditation Cd's - I have currently recorded 3 CD's which I have for sale
Crystal Healing
Animal Healing
Distant Healing & Intuitive Readings
Indian Head Massage
Tsuboki Face Massage
Tsuboki Hand Massage
Holistic Facials
Bespoke Holistic Facials 

Body in Balance College offers :-

Crystal Healing Diploma (CMA Approved)
Indian Head Massage Diploma (CMA Approved)
Crystals for Facials Diploma Course

Workshops - please contact for more details

Crystal Workshops
Angel Workshops
Spiritual Development
Crystal Study groups
Angel Study Groups

These include:
The 12 Chakras
Crystal Elixirs
Crystals for Spiritual Development
Crystals for Fertility
Crystals for Animal Healing
Crystals for Spiritual Development
Introduction to Crystals
Crystals for Health & Wellbeing (a follow-on to the introduction to Crystals)
Introduction to Crystals & Crystal Healing
Spiritual Detoxing
Introduction to Healing
Introduction to Crystal Healing
Introduction to Indian Head Massage
Time for You
Crystals & the Chakras
Using Crystals during Reflexology Sessions
Using Crystals during Indian Head Massage Sessions  -New
Protection (a must for therapists)
Crystals and Angels
Introduction to the Dragons - New

Personal Training - New

Fitness/Strength and Conditioning
Cycle Coaching
Certified for GP Exercise Referral for Acute and Chronic conditions
Studying to specialise in helping those with diabetes


New Forest Ponies