The "elixir of life" is a legendary potion, or drink, that grants the drinker eternal life or eternal youth. Many practitioners of alchemy pursued it. The elixir of life was also said to be able to create life.
This blog is going to look at one of my favourite self-help remedies - Crystal Elixirs
A crystal elixir is simply made by putting crystals in contact with water whereby the healing properties of the crystals are absorbed into the water. The water is then drunk and the crystal properties go directly into the body.
I have used crystal elixirs daily for several year now and I can't recommend the highly enough.
I believe that not only does it benefit my physical body, but it also work on my sense of well-being. My beloved house-rabbit also enjoys his "crystal water" as we call it, and as he is approaching 9 years old , is a testimony to its powers and the benefits of drinking crystal elixirs.
To make a simple crystal Elixir you will need:-
- A few crystals - just look at some crystals and instinctively choose a few that catch your attention. You do not need to know the properties of the crystals, whatever you choose will be of benefit to you
- A bottle of water - I prefer to use a glass bottle. Spring water is nice to use, but tap water can be used (and you will probably find that the elixir improves the taste of the tap water). If you are re-using a bottle, make sure that the bottle is thoroughly washed with hot, soapy water and thoroughly dried every time you refill them, to prevent bacteria from growing. Or you could sterilise a bottle.
- A clear glass bowl
- Choose your crystals - just let a few crystals catch your eye! This can be from one crystal to twenty-one crystals!
- Wash your crystals under running water and visualise any negativity leaving the crystals. (This is also know as cleansing.)
- Place the crystals in the base of a clear glass bowl.
- Ask your crystals to help you in some way (also know as programming). You can ask them to help you with physical health problems or for any help you need in your life.
- Stand a bottle of water on and around the crystals so they are touching as much of the bottle as possible.
- Place on a windowsill in sunlight or moonlight for at least a couple of hours to allow the crystal energies to be absorbed by the water.
- Drink and enjoy!
- Wash, dry and then refill the bottle so it is ready for drinking again.
Every so often (when you are drawn to) you may wish to see if any other crystals are grabbing your attention to be used in your elixir or if any others need taking out - just use your intuition. If this is the case, wash (cleanse) the crystals again and do this any time you are drawn to.
The elixir water can also be used in a spray bottle to spray in and around a room.
Elixir sprays are great to use with animals. You can either mist the elixir in their environment, around their bed etc.
If you would like to know more about making and using crystal elixirs, I regularly run
Crystal Elixir Workshops :-
Crystal Elixir Workshops :-
Crystal Elixirs are a great way of harnessing the energy of crystals and using them easily in your everyday life for health & wellbeing.
During this workshop you will learn about the health-giving benefits of crystals of making a Crystal Elixir
The workshop will consist of:-
· Making crystal elixirs
· Choosing the appropriate crystals
· Using elixirs
· Meditation to see which crystals to use in your elixir
· You will also make (and take home) a crystal elixir
Date TBA
Time 10.30am-3pm
Cost - please contact for details Price includes a handout and light refreshments
Venue Brockenhurst, Hampshire< England
It may also be possible to take this workshop as a home study course that carries Continuing Professional Development (CPD) or even earn CDP points by attending.
Please contact me via my website or the comments section at the bottom of this Blog for more details. Comments are emailed to me (and they don't have to be posted on the blog if you don't want them to be)!
There are details of more events, workshops and diploma courses on my "Events & Courses" page at the top of the blog.
Just testing to see if the comments work
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Like your website - very appealing colours. Good infor about crystal elixirs - simpler than I thought.
I have seen you on facebook.
This posting on the Blog is so nice, I appreciate for your work. Thank you very much for your information, nice job keep it up.
Crystal Elixirs
Thank you so much for the lovely comments
This is really useful - I will try it out later today and let you know what happens.
Thanks Julie.
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