Tigers Eye

Tuesday, 30 March 2021


In my last blog I talked about how important self-care is.

In this blog, I'm going to talk about our wellbeing, especially our mental health.

Lockdown hasn't been easy for many people, but it has especially affected the younger population.

A Bupa article"Powerless Teens at Breaking Point..." stated that:

Three in four 13-19 year olds have experienced physical health issue related to poor mental health since March 2020.

Half have turned to harmful coping mechanisms  - including drink, drugs, or self-harm to alleviate symptoms.  The majority feel pessimistic about their future.

45% of parents admit that they need more guidance on how to talk to their teens about mental health.

This is a sad state of affairs, especially as the teen years can be particularly challenging at the best of times!

I have recently completed some more 'lockdown learning' and have learnt how hand massage can be especially beneficial for our mental wellbeing, how parts of the hand relate to the brain and our emotions.

I have been piloting a hand massage routine online with willing young volunteers who suffer from anxiety.  I have been teaching them a hand massage routine online, explaining how the hand relates to the brain and the emotions, how massage helps release stress-lowering hormones, allowing them to experience the calming effects of this massage.

Having coping mechanisms to turn to can be very beneficial for us all and this hand massage is a great coping mechanism. It has the benefit that it can be carried out at any time too.

Crystals can also give our mental health a boost and help us to cope.

For example, Onyx helps to alleviate overwhelming fears and worries.

Amethyst helps to calm the mind. It is useful where insomnia is caused by an overactive mind.

I am now offering online Wellbeing Hand Massages. They are suitable for everyone, but are especially beneficial for young people.

An online Wellbeing Hand Massage session costs £20 (for approximately 30 mins). During this time you will be shown how to carry out the hand massage and given resources  to learn and practice it at home.

Meditation is another way to help our wellbeing.  I meditate regularly and it helps me greatly. I have written a blog about the benefits of meditation and it can be viewed here 

During lockdown I have been recording meditations for my clients for £5 per meditation.

Here is one that you can listen to for free here

I will shortly be running a 2 hour online Wellbeing Workshop where I will be teaching the hand massage, carrying out some meditations and teaching about crystals for wellbeing and how to use them in our everyday lives.

Please comment below if you are interested in finding out more about any of the above.

Take good care of yourself and your wellbeing




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