Tigers Eye

Wednesday, 23 December 2015

Crystals for Christmas - Selenite

In the autumn of 2012 I posted a blog about the crystal Selenite and how it could help with the then forthcoming energy changes.

There are many things that Selenite can help with and I chose to study it with my Crystal Meditation groups this December as I felt it would be a good crystal to help us all cope over the Christmas period.

Although Christmas can be a magical time of year for many, it can also be a very busy time of planning and preparation and for some a fraught time of trying to keep the peace and instilling peace and good will to all men, women and children!

I find Selenite a wonderful, peaceful crystal and I recommend it to you at the time of year and even throughout the year

Selenite also has many other qualities, some of which I have summarised below:-

  • Selenite is a very powerful crystal.
  • Selenite is a calm stone that instils a deep peace.
  • Placing a large piece of Selenite in the house ensures a peaceful atmosphere.
  • Selenite prevents anything external from influencing the mind and promotes clarity of the mind.
  • It expands ones awareness of the self and ones surroundings.
  • Selenite is excellent for meditation or spiritual work.
  • Selenite assists judgement and insight.
  • Selenite is a powerful disperser and stabiliser of erratic emotions
  • Mentally, Selenite clears confusion and aids seeing the deeper picture.  It brings about an understanding of what has occurred at a subconscious level.
  • Selenite works deep and rids a person of heaviness of time.
  • Selenite helps to align the spinal column and promotes flexibility.
  • Selenite reverses the effects of “free radicals”.
  • Selenite has the power to stimulate cellular regeneration and may even increase one’s life span.
  • Translucent Selenite helps to access the angelic consciousness and higher guidance.
  • Selenite wands can be used to detach unwanted “items” from the aura.
  • Selenite pinpoints lessons and issues that are still being worked upon and shows how they can be best resolved.
  • Selenite can be used to see into the future or ascertain what happened in the past.


Using Selenite

Hold Selenite for the greatest benefit.
Selenite can be used to form a protective grid around a house, creating a safe and quiet space that does not allow outside influences in.  Place a piece of Selenite in each internal corner of the house.
It makes a great tealight candle, spreading its peace throughout a room


Selenite dissolves when wet.

I find Selenite a very peaceful and calming crystal and one I enjoy working with.
I hope you enjoy it too!
Wishing you peace, love and joy this Christmas and for 2016

Wednesday, 4 November 2015

The Twelve Fifth-Dimensional Chakras

In August 2013 I wrote a blog about the 12 chakras.  In this blog I aim to expand on this subject.

As this planet continues to ascend, we are moving from having seven 
third-dimensional chakras to having twelve fifth-dimensional chakras.
I have read that the Earth Star chakra, (which is 30cm below your feet), is one of the first to come in as we need to be grounded to help us at this time. 
The crystal Hematite can help with this as it is a very grounding crystal.

Grounding Exercise
  • Choose a piece of Hematite to hold (or another grounding crystal such as Black Tourmaline, Smoky Quartz, etc).
  • Ask permission to use the crystal and programme it to ground you.
  • Sit comfortably with your feet in the ground.
  • Focus on your breathing – nice slow deep breaths.  When your breathing is calm, the body and mind will follow.
  • Visualise roots (like the roots of a plant or tree) growing out of the bottom of your feet.
  • See them as lovely, thick roots.
  • Visualise these roots going down through your Earth Star chakra, (which is 30cm below your feet) and going deep down into Mother Earth.
  • As they go deep, deep down the roots find and tie around a beautiful piece of Hematite deep in Mother Earth.
  • The Hematite and Mother Earth keep you grounded and strong.
  • Keep that lovely strong grounded feeling with you as you bring your attention back to the here and now, ready to face your everyday life.

Keeping your chakras healthy is a vital part of keeping ourselves healthy.  Knowing how to balance your chakras can help. 

I am running a Chakra workshop on Friday 13th November from 9.30am until 3.30pm

The workshop will look at:
·                  What are the Chakras
·                  The 12 major Chakras and their function
·                  How they link with our physical & emotional health
·                  How we can keep our chakras “healthy”
·                  Using Crystals to cleanse and balance the chakras
·                  Meditation to cleanse and energise your chakras
Cost £50 paid for in advance  (prior booking required). The price includes a set of 12 chakra crystals and a pouch to store them in.

Please contact me for further information.

Friday, 12 June 2015

Asking Permission to Work with Crystals

During my monthly Crystal Meditation group, one of the group members, Joanne, (Joanne O'Hare from Divine Life www.joanneohare.com) got the message from the crystal that crystals would like us to ask them for permission before we work with them.  It was also requested that the message is spread to other crystal users (hence this blog).

So next time you pick up a crystal, ask permission from the crystal for you to work with it and see if it makes a difference with your interaction with the crystal.

It is something that I now incorporate with my work with the lovely crystals and also something I ask people to do during crystal meditations etc.

Also remember to thank the crystal for working with afterwards.

So why don’t you pick up a crystal now.  Do it by intuition.
Cleanse it in a way that resonates with you (see blog of Oct 2013)
Ask permission to work with it
Programme it to help you in some way
(e.g. clear your mind, energise you etc)
Get yourself comfortable
Ask that you are grounded and protected
Take your awareness to your breathing. 
Take slow deep breaths, breathing out tension, worries, pain
Breathe in the energy from your crystal. 
Let it fill your whole being
Enjoy this time for you.
 When it is time to return to your everyday life, thank your crystal for working with you.
Feel your feet on the ground
Visualise a bubble of protective energy surrounding you.
When you are ready, return to your everyday life.
Remember you can do this any time!

Tuesday, 20 January 2015

Etheric Body Healing with Carnelian

In my last blog, I talked about my gratitude crystal which was a carnelian crystal. In this blog I am going to look at the etheric body- what it is, what affects it and how carnelian can help to heal it.

The etheric body is the next layer out in our aura from our physical body (the aura has seven layers).  It is the link between physical and subtle bodies (aura) and brings balance between them.  It is thought that our chakras are in our etheric body.

When the etheric body is weakened, dis-ease and karmic problems residing in the aura and subtle bodies move into the physical body and cause a variety of symptoms (see below).

Problems in the Etheric Body can be caused by:-
  • Surgery
  • Injury
  • Root/Base chakra issue (insecurities, fears)
  • Soul reluctant to incarnate
  •  Birth Trauma
  • Physical shock or stress
  • Wishing to escape a situation (going out of body)

Indications of Etheric Body Depletions

  • Lack of physical energy and motivation
  • ME /Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
  • Pain (blocked energy in the Etheric field)
  • Feeling spaced out
  • Insecurities
  •  Fearful
  • Sleeping a lot (escaping the world)
  • Hiding from others
  •  Pain
  • Disease
  •  Back problems
  •  Circulation problems
  • Kidney problems
  • Nervous system problems

Carnelian is one of the most useful stones for healing the etheric body when trauma and stress have accumulated to disturb physical functioning.

Carnelian Energy Net for Healing the Etheric Body

This layout helps to release trauma from deep in the body.  It can sometimes bring old symptoms and pain to the surface before they can be completely removed.

I have used this layout a lot recently when times have been tough and I find it very powerful and effective.  It is worth just laying down and putting 6 pieces of carnelian around you as shown below even if you only have 5 minutes to spare - give it a try!

You will need:-

6 Pieces of Carnelian

  • Place one piece of Carnelian at the top of the head
  • Place a piece of Carnelian either side of the body level with the sacral  chakra
  • Place one piece of Carnelian at the ankles
  • Place one piece of Carnelian between the legs at mid-calf level
  • Place one piece of Carnelian on the throat

This can either be left in place during a Crystal Healing session or the client can use this at home for at least five minutes at a time on a regular basis.

This layout can also be used with points and other crystals and/or chakra crystals as appropriate.

I hope you find this of benefit.