Tigers Eye

Sunday, 22 December 2013

Christmas Crystals Blog

This time of year can be a stressful time for many.  Preparing for Christmas, buying presents, writing cards, shopping for food all take time and energy.

It is often a time when extended families get together and sometimes tensions can sometimes run high!

This blog will focus on the Crystal Kunzite as I feel that it would be a good crystal for this busy time of year.
I have included some of its wonderful properties below:-

v Kunzite is a very tranquil stone. 

v Just holding this crystal produces the feeling of a powerful peace, gently penetrating the inner core of one’s being.

v It is a very spiritual stone with a high vibration.

v Kunzite awakens the heart centre and unconditional love.

v Kunzite radiates peace and connects you to universal and infinite love.

v It produces loving thoughts and communication.

v Kunzite is a protective stone, both for the individual and for the environment.

v It has the power to dispel negativity.

v This stone shields the aura from unwanted energies, providing a protective sheath around it, and dispelling attached entities and mental influences from the aura.

v Kunzite strengthens the energy field around the body.

v Kunzite imparts the ability to be self-contained, even within a crowd.

v Kunzite encourages self-expression and allows free expression of feelings.

v It promotes the quality of tolerance for the self and others.

v Kunzite is helpful in reducing stress-related anxiety.

v Kunzite facilitates introspection and the ability to act on constructive criticism.

v It clears resistance and assists in effecting compromises between personal needs and those of others.

v Kunzite’s mood-lifting effect is helpful in depression arising from emotional causes.

v It is excellent for alleviating panic attacks.

v It stimulates the immune system and benefits stress-related dis-ease.

v Kunzite helps the physical body to recover from the effects of emotional stress.

v Kunzite helps to secrete the hormones of well-being.

Kunzite is a great crystal to make into an elixir.  See Blog October 2011 for instructions on how to make an elixir.
Using Kunzite
Hold or place as appropriate.
Hold or place on the solar plexus to alleviate panic attacks.

It is most effective when worn as a pendant or taped to a mobile phone or other electromagnetic device

Allow it to “rest” in your environment!

NOTE Sunlight causes Kunzite to fade

I hope Kunzite can help you at this busy and often stressful time.  It is a crystal that I find very useful!

Seasons Greeting and wishing you all a very Happy, Healthy and Prosperous New Year.


Tuesday, 1 October 2013

Website Problems :-(

I am having website problems at present so my website is being redirected to my Blog for the time being.

If there was anything specific you were looking for, or you have any questions please contact me via the Comments section at the bottom of the page and I will get back to you.  (Comments are emailed to me so don't immediately go on the blog unless you would like me to publish them!)

Thank you for your understanding.

Cleansing, Energising and Programming Crystals

Crystals absorb negative energy from those who have touched them and the surroundings.  From the mining process to awaiting sale, crystals will have been touched and handled by many people and will have absorbed their energy which could then be passed onto you.

Therefore it is necessary to cleanse your crystals before you use them.  It is also necessary to cleanse your crystals regularly to keep them functioning in your best interest.  No matter who may have given it to you or where you got your crystal, always cleanse your crystal to remove any negative vibrations and physical dirt. 

When using them in a Crystal Healing session, it is especially important that they are thoroughly cleansed before use and also cleansed at the end of the session too.  This will ensure that any residual disharmonies are removed from the stones. 

How to Cleanse Crystals

There are several ways to cleanse a crystal, including smudging, burying them in the earth, using salt/salt water, asking the light/angelic realm to cleanse the crystals.  Again, be guided by your own inner knowledge.  Only use a technique that truly resonates with you and your energy field.

Natural Water Cleansing (this is particularly suited to those born under a water sign)

First find a source of pure, clean fresh water.  This may be a stream, waterfall, river or spring.  Hold your crystal under the flowing water until you feel all the dirt or stored negative vibrations have left it.  When this process is complete you will feel your crystal is pure and vibrant.  It is now ready to be used, programmed, charged or dedicated.  Please check that your crystal is safe in water.  Some crystals, such as Selenite or Halite, are water-soluble.

Saltwater Cleansing

Purely from a scientific angle, it is advised not to use saltwater on a crystal, as this process will, in a short time, damage the crystalline structure and split the crystal or make it appear cloudy, dull or changes colour.  Salt will get into any crystalline structure, causing irreparable structural damage.  Remember, salt is also a crystal.  

If you do want to try cleansing with the salt vibration.  It is recommend you place the crystal in a large bowl of sea salt, allowing enough salt to completely cover the crystal.  Leave it buried for as long as your intuition tells you.  You could also dowse for the correct amount of time.  Wash your crystal with plenty of fresh, clear, clean pure water after its salt immersion. 

Note: Laying an Opal in salt will damage it by extracting the water.  You can lay the Opal or any crystal that might react negatively to salt – in a small glass dish that is embedded in a larger glass dish full of salt.

Smudge Cleansing (this technique is particularly suited to those born under an air sign)

The burning of herbs or incense is a sacred practice held in common by many traditions.  In American Indian tradition the practice is called “smudging” or sometimes “smoking” even though the herbs may not be inhaled.  Smudging, practised traditionally, takes many forms.  Sometimes the herbs are tied in a bundle and called a “smudge stick”.

Earth Cleansing this technique is particularly suited to those born under an earth sign)

Bury crystals to be cleansed in the earth and allow Mother Earth to remove any negativity.  Wash crystals when cleansed.

The method I use is as follows: -

Holding the crystal under running water whilst visualising all the negative energy leaving the crystal. (N.B. do not leave Selenite wet).

It is worth reading up and experimenting with different cleansing methods, as what is right for one person, isn’t always best for another.

The crystal then needs to be either put in sunlight or moonlight in order to charged or energised.  A note of caution, some crystals such as amethyst and Celestite must not be left in sunlight permanently otherwise the sun will lighten its colour.

Programming Crystals

Once the crystal has been washed and energised, you need to programme your crystal.  It is like a computer without a program it will not work.   Programming crystals is a way of focusing the crystal’s abilities for a specific need (e.g. the needs of your patient).   I suggest you hold the crystals whilst programming them.

Crystals can be programmed for many purposes.  You may want your crystal for protection, prosperity, peace or love for a treatment room.

In a Healing session, you would programme the crystal for your patient’s benefit by asking the crystals to help the patient in whatever way is needed for the patients higher good e.g. for pain relief or to energise them etc. 

You may feel drawn to add something else at this point, e.g. to ask that the crystal work in truth, love and light.

Friday, 9 August 2013

The Twelve Chakras

Up until recently, it was thought that we had seven major chakras (from the Sanskrit word wheel) or energy centres in the body.

It is now thought that there are twelve major chakras as there were in Atlantean times.  As we become more spiritual and move from the third dimension to the fifth dimension the twelve chakras become more evolved.

When our energy centres are unblocked and free flowing, we enjoy optimum health and wellbeing.

However, if our chakras are not in balance, the free flow of energy (or prana/ki/chi), is impeded, leading to physical, emotional, mental or spiritual unease.

Chakras can become blocked by negative thought and feelings, regrets, worries, fear and also from pollution and what we eat.

Crystal Healing, meditating and using crystals on the chakras can have positive health benefits as they can help keep the chakras unblocked and spinning with health and vitality. 

To teach people more about the Twelve Chakras and how we can keep them working optimally, I will be running a Twelve Chakra Workshop on Saturday 7th September.  Please contact me via the comments box below for more information 

Tuesday, 11 June 2013

Distant Healing

Distant Healing

Earlier in the year, a lot of my customers and friends were telling me that their beloved pets were unwell.  In many of the cases the symptoms were vague or vets could not find a specific reason for the illness, but something wasn’t right with these animals.

I am a great believer in distant healing and the power of positive thought and so I asked  a few friends if they would like to join me in sending distant healing to these animals and any animal in need in the universe once a month.

I had some really positive feedback from these sessions.  Then I kept getting the feeling that we should also be sending distant healing to humans too, so last month we did approximately 15 minutes of animal distant healing followed by 15 minutes of human distant healing, asking the healing energy to go to specific animals and humans that we knew of that needed our help and also going out to those in need in the entire universe.

I am now getting the feeling that this should be opened up to more people and although I sat down today to write a Blog about Citrine, I found myself typing the heading Distant Healing, so I guess I am being told that it is time to expand the distant healing further.

I will explain a little about distant healing and how it works:-

Distant healing works on the principal that energy follows thought (as does prayer).  The distant healer focuses on the healing energy, light and unconditional love, holding the intention to send healing (the intention being the important factor).

Energy following thought can travel anywhere – faster than the speed of light. It can travel around the world in seconds if the intent is there.

Group Healing can also be especially powerful (although never underestimate the power of distant healing from an individual!)

If possible, set aside a regular time for distant healing, as this is an important activity.  However, there will be times when immediate distant healing is required, and it should be sent when it is needed.

It can also be a good idea to arrange to send someone distant healing at a set time – a time that you can both arrange to be quiet and still.  In my experience, this really benefits the distant healing.

Try to find a place in your home that is peaceful and tranquil from where you can send distant healing.  Or you can make a place special by simply placing crystals, a candle or flowers in the area to be used for distant healing.

Below is a method of sending distant healing that I use and teach, but please go with your instincts as to what you feel is right for you.  But do make sure that you are (a) protected and (b) working with the source of peace and love.

  • You may wish to use a protection elixir spray to prepare your room and yourself (see previous blog about how to make elixirs – October 2011)
  • You may wish to choose a crystal or crystals for the person to whom you are going to send healing (using your intuition).  You may also like to focus on a photo of the person, although this is personal choice.
  • Choose a crystal for yourself.  It might be a crystal for protection (such as Labradorite, Amethyst, Bloodstone, Carnelian, Fluorite, Hematite, Pyrite, Smoky Quartz, Black Tourmaline or Turquoise ) and/or one to help you attune to the healing vibration (such as Clear Quartz, Rose Quartz, Howlite, Kyanite, Lapis Lazuli or Turquoise).
  • Cleanse and programme the crystals.
  • Sit (or lay) peacefully and comfortably, taking some slow, deep breaths.
  • Ground yourself, by taking your awareness to your feet and sending “roots” down deep into Mother Earth, where they find and tie around a crystal
  • Allow this crystal to send protection and attunement to you, up through those roots, allowing it to go through and around you, surrounding you in its protection.  This goes right up to the top of your head.
  • From the top of your head, you feel a connection (or attunement) to the “source of peace and love” from where all healing originates.  You may wish to see this as an invisible thread, linking you.
  • Ask for permission to carry out this healing firstly, from the Source (in time, you will get a feeling when this has been granted and when to start), and from the person you are sending healing to (the person’s higher self chooses whether to accept the healing).
  • Focus on the crystal you have chosen for the person you are sending healing to; and also focus on the person.  Ask the crystal and the Source to send healing to this person.
  • See light from the Source and send that light into the person you are sending healing to.
  • Start at their head and lovingly see this healing light spreading throughout their whole being, right down to the tips of their toes.
  • Do not mention any illnesses or conditions as this introduces negativity. (Remember energy follows thought and you will be giving energy to the condition).
  • You may now choose to send Distant Healing to others at this time, by way of focusing on them.  This would also be a good time to send healing to yourself, using the same method.
  • When you feel that the healing energy has been sent, thank the source and the crystal for their healing energy and help.
  • When you have finished sending the healing, surround yourself in a circle of light and also see the other people/person surrounded in separate circle(s) of light (so you are no longer linked to you in any way).
  • Once again take your awareness to your feet and those roots tied around the crystal, grounding you
  • See yourself surrounded by protection
  • It is a good idea to have a drink of water, as it is both grounding and cleansing.
The next distant healing session will take place on Saturday 15th June starting at 08.30 BST.  The plan is to send distant healing to animals for approximately 15 minutes and then sending distant healing to animals for approximately 15 minutes (or for as long as is right for you!)

If you cannot join us at this time, you can send the distant healing at a time convenient to you and ask that it joins up with the group energy.

If you feel that you would like to join the distant healing group or you run a healing/meditation/spiritual group and your group would like to participate and spread healing where it is needed, please contact me via the comments section or via my website.

On behalf of all the animals and humans in need, thank you very much for joining me in the distant healing.

Thursday, 24 January 2013

Crystal Healing

In this blog I am going to talk about Crystal Healing.

After I trained to be a healer, I was introduced to crystals.  Like the healing, I found them very powerful and started to experiment using crystals in self-healing.  I was astounded with the results and went on to study this more.I started doing Crystal Healing with my clients and they noticed how good it made them feel.

After doing this for several years, I looked into how I would go about writing and teaching a Crystal Healing Diploma, being from a teaching background.The Complementary Medical Association (CMA) and Holistic Insurance both approved the course and so I started teaching the diploma course in 2008.

I am about to start a new intake of students for the course on Monday 11th February so I thought I would tell you a bit about my Crystal Healing diploma course.

This crystal healing combines the benefits of healing and the therapeutic properties of crystals chosen to suit your needs.

Healing energy balances the whole person - physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.

It induces deep relaxation which kick starts your own self healing mechanism.  You do not have to be ill to receive crystal healing.  Often people come to experience the relaxation and revitalisation which healing brings.

Crystal Healing Diploma Course Information & Syllabus

This diploma studies the combination of hands-on healing with crystals to give an effective and safe method of healing.

This course has been approved by the Complementary Medical Association (CMA) and Holistic Insurance Services.


To teach each student a method of hands-on healing that combines the use of crystals

To provide the theoretical and practical knowledge and confidence to become a Crystal Healer

To provide a learning environment that allows the student to grow and develop in knowledge, awareness and confidence.

To provide ongoing tutor support and guidance and post graduate studies.


A Diploma in Crystal Healing from the Body in Balance Crystal Healing College

The Course

This will consist of 90 hours of tutor-led sessions.  In addition to this, the student will be expected to complete home study


Case studies (a minimum of ten treatments on five different people)

A learning journal (an ongoing record of spiritual development of the student over the course)

A variety of tasks to further the learning of the student (reading, studying, questions and essays)

The student will be monitored by continual assessments of the above assignments.


Healing – you will be taught a method of hand-on healing that combines well with using crystals in the healing session

The sensing and channelling of energy

Preparation for the healing session


Crystal Formation

Choosing Crystals

Cleansing Crystals

Programming Crystals

Linking with crystals

Study of a variety of Crystals

The properties of crystals – for physical, emotional and spiritual healing

Crystal Treatments – different of treatments for a variety of health situations (including the immune system, emotional, stress relief, insomnia, women-specific )

Meditating with Crystals -including the benefits & regular practical sessions

The Chakra system 

How it affects our physical, emotional and spiritual self

Cleansing, balancing and energising the chakras

Crystal affinities with the chakras

The aura

The physical and subtle bodies

Clearing blockages using crystals

The Physical & Emotional Body – understanding the cause and messages of dis-ease


Protection – for the therapist and client

Self-Healing  - the importance of

Distant Healing

Crystal Elixirs

Basic Anatomy and Physiology

Basic First Aid

Setting up a Crystal Healing practise

Insurance, the room, managing time, setting boundaries

Listening skills

Crystals for Animal Healing

£1500  (either payable in a lump sum, or with a £300 deposit and then by Standing Order £50 a month for 24 months or £100 a month for 12 months).

Dates  - Please contact me via the comments page for more details

Feedback - This is what one of my students said about the course:-

This course enriched my spiritual life beyond measure!  
Working with crystals has been an exciting and enlightening adventure.
I would recommend this course to anyone who is interested in crystals or healing, it is all-absorbing and rewarding in so many ways.

A great course – I learned so much and it was fun!”

If you are interested in the course or have any questions, please do contact me via the comments page or my website.