Tigers Eye

Thursday, 20 December 2012

The Cosmic Moment and the Fourth Crystal

In previous blogs I have talked about three of the four crystals (Calcite, Selenite & Kyanite) recommended to help us prepare for the cosmic moment on 21st December 2012 (and beyond!)

In this blog we will look at another crystal Hematite which will help bring Spirit into the bloodstream (whereas Selenite brings Spirit into the physical body).  This allows Spirit to become part of the genetic coding of each cell, thus establishing a blueprint of a purer and more vitalised energy within each individual so positive patterns replace old ones.

Hematite is very grounding and is the main crystal to activate the Earth Star chakra.

Hematite also has many other qualities, some of which I have summarised below:-

Hematite is from the Greek word “haematites” which means “blood-like”.  It was known as “bloodstone” during the middle ages.  The Egyptians used Hematite to staunch the flow of blood from wounds and for the formation of blood cells.

Hematite ranges in colour from grey to black with a shiny lustre.  Unpolished, Hematite has red tones.

Being traditionally associated with the blood, Hematite can benefit blood disorders.

Hematite is used to treat anaemia (as it is composed of 70% iron itself), especially when there is a lack of vitality.

Hematite improves the quality of the red blood cells

Hematite makes for better usage of iron in the diet.

Hematite has the ability to reduce blood pressure.

Hematite aids circulatory problems and is especially useful for treating Reynaud’s Disease.

It is recommended for use during childbirth, partly to prevent excessive bleeding and partly to keep everyone calm, due to it’s calming effect on the nerves.

It is said to be the “stone of the mind” as it helps one to sort out things in ones mind.  It is also useful for mental attunement.

Because of Hematite’s affinity with the base chakra, it is particularly good grounding crystal.  It helps those who feel heady and ungrounded, especially after therapeutic treatments.

As well as drawing negativity from the base chakra, Hematite will prevent you from absorbing the negativity of others.

It strengthens our connection with the earth, making us feel safe and secure.

Hematite is a calming stone that helps to soothe the nerves and is useful for alleviating stress and anxiety.

Hematite prevents negative energy from entering the aura.

Hematite gives us courage, strength, endurance and vitality.

Hematite has the ability to help you “keep your cool” – mentally as well as physically.  So place it on the forehead to reduce a fever or on any painful and inflamed area of the body to cool them.

Hematite is beneficial for arthritis sufferers due to the benefits above.

Hematite is beneficial forgetting rid of leg cramps.

Hematite is useful for muscular-skeletal conditions.

Placing Hematite on the base of the spine or on an area if misalignment is said to help adjust the vertebrae.

It assists the healing of fractures

Hematite is a good kidney cleanser.

Hematite is beneficial for insomnia sufferers.

Hematite harmonises the body, mind and spirit.

Hematite has a strong yang element, redressing yin imbalances.  It also balances the meridians

Hematite is beneficial for legal situations.

Psychologically, Hematite gives strength.  It boosts self-esteem and imparts confidence.

Hematite is especially beneficial for timid women.

Hematite boosts willpower.  Especially useful for those who over-eat, smoke or generally over-indulge and want to do something about it.

Hematite helps you come to terms with your mistakes and to accept them as learning experiences rather than disasters.

Mentally, Hematite stimulates concentration and focus.  It enhances memory and original thought.

Hematite is especially useful for the study of mathematical and technical subjects.

It brings the mind’s attention to basic survival needs and helps to sort out problems of all kind.

Hematite is conducive to enabling one to entering into a loving relationship and is said to attract “kind” love.

I find Hematite a great crystal for grounding, concentration and confidence and one I enjoy working with. I hope you enjoy it too!

The Cosmic Moment

I hope you are able to take time and still your mind at 11.11am on 21st December.  If you can, sit quietly with some Hematite, Kyanite, Selenite and Calcite.

Ask Archangel Metatron to bring his golden light down to you and Archangel Sandalphon to bring silver light up from below.

I wish you a magical Cosmic Moment and much love, light and enlightenment.

Wednesday, 28 November 2012

Another Crystal for the Cosmic Moment

The Cosmic Moment on 21st December 2012 is fast approaching. In preparation for this date I have been planning events for the coming week to prepare for this special spiritual occasion.  I feel that the New Forest is the right spiritual place to hold these events at, so I will be running the following events from my home in Brockenhurst.

Firstly, on Thursday 6th December I will be holding a Crystal Meditation Group (this is a change of date from Thursday 13th December).  We will be studying and meditating with Calcite, one of the crystals that helps us to prepare for the Cosmic Moment.  This will start at 10.30am at costs £10.  The price includes a piece of Calcite and notes on Calcite.

Secondly, I will be holding a meditation for the 12.12.12 energy on Wednesday 12th December in preparation for the Cosmic Moment.  This will start at 11.30am and costs £10 (which includes refreshments and a crystal).

Then on Friday 21st December, the Cosmic Moment, I will be holding a meditation to welcome the moment we have waited 260,000 years for!   This will start at 10.30am so we are ready for 11.11am.  The costs is £10 (which includes refreshments and a crystal).

Please contact me via "comments" at the bottom of this page for more details of these events.

In previous blogs I have talked about two of the four crystals (Calcite and Selenite) recommended to help us prepare for the cosmic moment on 21st December 2012 (and beyond!)

In this blog we will look at another crystal Kyanite which will help to open and clear the energy pathways of our bodies, chakras and meridians.

Kyanite helps us to reconnect our energy with the causal chakra (just above the crown chakra).  Kyanite gives off a very gentle energy and when we are ready, it will help us make the connection with it.

In Atlantean times, Kyanite was used to address imbalances in the brain of newly incarnated souls.
In preparation for the cosmic moment, Kyantite will help to re-align your mind and brain for the higher energy

Kyaniote can also be used to help indigo and crystal children who are incarnating to help the planet move forward.

Kyanite also has many other qualities, some of which I have summarised below:-

  • Kyanite is also known as Disthene.  The word Kyanite comes from the Greek word kyanos meaning ‘blue’.
  • It is usually flat and bladed.  It often occurs in quartz veins.  It is crystallises in the form of twisted or straight fibrous structures
  • It can be blue-white, pink, green, yellow, grey or black in colour.  It is often unevenly coloured and can be translucent or pearly.
  • Kyanite is found in Brazil.
  • Kyanite never needs cleaning or clearing as it does not accumulate or retain negative energy or vibrations.
  • Kyanite is a powerful transmitter and amplifier of high frequency energies.  It stimulates psychic abilities and intuition.
  • Kyanite is excellent for attunement as the energy is unlimited in application.
  • It is an excellent stone for meditation.  The calming and clearing effect of Kyanite’s energy is accessible, gentle and balanced.
  • Kyanite helps spiritual energy to manifest in thought.
  • It is also a good crystal for connecting with guides.
  • Kyanite grounds spiritual vibrations, it brings spiritual integrity and maturation.
  • It facilitates dream recall and promotes healing dreams.
  • Kyanite is useful for those making the transition through death.
  • Kyanite aligns all the chakras, instantly and immediately, with no conscious direction. 
  • If directed with the consciousness of the user, it can also open the chakras.
  • Conscious direction of the energy can also align the emotional, intellectual, physical, spiritual, ethereal, and astral bodies of the aura.
  • Kyanite clears the pathways to the meridians.
  • It restores Qi or Chi (life force energy) to the physical body and its organs.
  • In healing, it stabilises the biomagnetic field (the energy field that surrounds all living things) after clearing and transformation.
  • Psychologically, Kyanite encourages speaking ones own truth, cutting through fears and blockages.  
  • Opening the throat chakra, this stone encourages self-expression and communication.
  • Kyanite cuts through ignorance and opens to spiritual and psychological truth.
  • Kyanite slices through confusion and dispels blockages, illusion, anger, frustration and stress.
  • It increases the capacity for logical and linear thought, stimulating the higher mind.  
  • Spiritually, Kyanite shows how the ‘self’ plays a part in creating causes and measures required to balance the past.
  • It benefits the light body (the vehicle for the soul and higher consciousness, which vibrates at a high frequency).
  • Kyanite brings tranquillity and a calming effect to the whole being, especially the throat and third eye.
  • Kyanite treats muscular disorders and disorders of the urogenital system.  
  • It also works on the adrenals, throat, ears, thyroid and parathyroid.
  • It supports the brain, cerebellum and motor responses of the body.
  • It is a natural pain reliever.
  • It lowers blood pressure and heals infections.
  • It releases excess weight (by encouraging communication, thereby releasing stored words and unwanted body weight).
  • It is useful for the sickroom and for the terminally ill.
  • It balances yin-yang energy.
  • It reduces fevers and calms hot conditions where there is too much heat in the body.
  • Kyanite eases stiff necks and stiff-necked attitudes.

In addition, the following colours have the following additional properties:-

Blue Kyanite Strengthens the voice and heals the throat and the larynx.  It is useful for performers and public speakers.

Black Kyanite  Grounds the body when aligning the chakras and during or after meditation.

Using Kyanite

Position between the navel and heart chakra.

Position on the causal chakra (just above the crown chakra)

Wear as a pendant.

A pendulum of Kyanite can point out problems.

Kyanite is especially beneficial when used with other crystals during crystal healing.

I find Kyanite a great crystal for healing and calming the mind and one I enjoy working with.
I hope you enjoy it too!

Tuesday, 25 September 2012

Preparing for the Cosmic Moment - with Crystals

In my first blog “The Times they are a Changing” I talked about the crystal Calcite that can help us work through changing times.

As 2012 speeds along, we are getting nearer to 21st December 2012.  This is the second of two cosmic moments (the first was on 11th November 2011 and I held a meditation session to embrace this moment) and it is said to be the greatest opportunity for spiritual growth that there has ever been.

The twelve spiritual chakras of the planet will open and this will profoundly affect everyone.  

It was no coincidence that the Olympic Games was held in London as London is the spiritual Earth Star Chakra of planet earth.  The energy and enthusiasm that the Olympics generated greatly helped the planets Earth Star chakra to bring  in great light in preparation for the cosmic event.  The rain prior to the Olympics helped to wash away negativity from the Earth Star Chakra and was a necessary process.  (I wonder if the current rainy weather is also a necessary cleansing process?) 

Diana Cooper’s website has more information about this and can be found at http://www.dianacooper.com/2012/index.php

In this blog  I will touch on the four crystals that Diana Cooper recommends us to work with to help us prepare for the changes  for 21st December 2012.  They are  Calcite, Selenite, Hematite and Kyanite.

Calcite (any colour) will help to open your Stellar Gateway chakra (this is approximately 30cm or 12” above the top of your head and is thought to be your link with Source).

I will not go into further details of Calcite’s properties as this can be read in my first blog of July 2011 at http://julie-bodyinbalance.blogspot.co.uk/2011/07/in-this-my-first-blog-i-am-going-to.html

I will however look at another recommended crystal, Selenite in this blog at look at the two other recommended crystals in future blogs.

Selenite is a beautiful crystal with a high vibration and works with and activates your Soul Star chakra.  This chakra is the link between the Stella Gateway and the Causual and Crown chakras.   Its purpose is to take the pure energy of the Stella Gateway and filter it into the soul level of spiritually–attuned people. For the Soul Star Chakra to activated, the Earth Star chakra must also be in balance.
Selenite can show us how to bring divine laws and spiritual principles into our everyday lives and will help us prepare for 21st December 2012 and beyond! 

Selenite also has many other qualities, some of which I have summarised below:-

  • Selenite is a very powerful crystal.
  • Selenite is a calm stone that instils a deep peace.
  • Selenite prevents anything external from influencing the mind and promotes clarity of the mind.
  • It expands ones awareness of the self and ones surroundings.
  • Selenite is excellent for meditation or spiritual work.
  • Selenite assists judgement and insight.
  • Selenite is a powerful disperser and stabiliser of erratic emotions 
  • Mentally, Selenite clears confusion and aids seeing the deeper picture.  It brings about an understanding of what has occurred at a subconscious level.
  • Selenite works deep and rids a person of heaviness of time.
  • Selenite helps to align the spinal column and promotes flexibility.
  • Selenite reverses the effects of “free radicals”.
  • Selenite neutralises mercury poisoning from dental amalgam.
  • Selenite has the power to stimulate cellular regeneration and may even increase one’s life span.
  • Translucent Selenite helps to access the angelic consciousness and higher guidance.
  • Placing a large piece of Selenite in the house ensures a peaceful atmosphere.
  • Selenite wands can be used to detach unwanted “items” from the aura.
  • Selenite pinpoints lessons and issues that are still being worked upon and shows how they can be best resolved.
  • Selenite can be used to see into the future or ascertain what happened in the past.

Using Selenite

Hold Selenite for the greatest benefit.
Selenite can be used to form a protective grid around a house, creating a safe and quiet space that does not allow outside influences in.  Place a piece of Selenite in each internal corner of the house.


Selenite dissolves when wet.

I find Selenite a very peaceful and calming crystal and one I enjoy working with.  Just holding a piece of Selenite brings peace and meditating with it often brings great clarity.

I hope you enjoy it too!

I am running a workshop about how to work with and activate the Twelve Chakras.  Please contact me via the comments page for more details.

Monday, 20 February 2012


The word meditation often conjures up images of people sitting crossed legged on the floor, perhaps even chanting and to some people this is how they find they meditate best.

There are however, many different meditation methods.To me, meditation is a mixture of breathing techniques, visualisation  and quiet time that induce a deep relaxation that benefits body and mind.

Meditation is a great way to take time out from our busy lives and give our bodies time to relax. Relaxation has a beneficial effect on our state of health and our physical body reaps the benefit.

Many people find it hard to “switch off” from our busy lives.  There is always something to think about – the shopping list going through our minds or the 101 jobs we still have to do.  Hence some of the focus of my initial meditation work is often on visualisation and breathing techniques, because until we can relax our bodies and still our minds inner growth will be limited.

As someone who is not too keen on strenuous exercise, I was very pleased to read an article by Dr Herbert Benson, Professor of Medicine at Harvard Medical School.  He is convinced that quiet inactivity such as relaxation and meditation are just as important to long-term health as exercise.  To me, I would much prefer meditating than pounding on a treadmill at the gym!

As well as calming your mind, meditation helps to:-
  • lower blood pressure
  • lower heart rate 
  • balance metabolic rate
  • slows down breathing rate
  • positively affects hormone levels 
  • relaxes tense muscles
  • reduces pain levels
  • stimulate the body’s self-healing mechanisms
  • improve digestion 
  • boost the immune system

I personally have had some tremendous experiences whilst meditating, including coming up with my business idea of Body in Balance – even the name came to me whilst meditating!  Often meditations to use with my clients come to me whilst I am meditating.  The idea for my CALM CD came to me whilst I was meditating in the bath!

I started running meditation/relaxation classes in 2003.  I was given the opportunity to run these from a Physiotherapy Centre.  The owner rightly believed that meditation and relaxation would benefit her patients and reduce their pain levels.

Mediation is suitable for all ages. Children especially benefit from the improvement in concentration, focus and the health benefits that meditation can bring.

Using Crystals for Meditation

Any crystals that you are drawn to can help to enhance the meditation experience.  However, those mentioned below have an affinity or a specific role.

Cleanse crystals before use and programme them by asking them to help you in some way e.g. stilling your mind, enhancing your meditation. (See http://www.bodyinbalance.org.uk/choose.htm for more details).

Below lists some crystals and what they can help with.  This is not an exhaustive list  - go with what you are drawn to  :-


  • Amethyst
  • Ametrine
  • Angelite
  • Clear Quartz
  • Chrysoprase
  • Fluorite
  • Jasper
  • Kyanite
  • Lapis Lazuli
  • Obsidian
  • Snowflake Obsidian
  • Serpentine
  • Smoky Quartz
  • Turquoise    

Mental stillness
  • Aquamarine
  • Carnelian
  • Howlite
  • Quartz
  • Smoky Quartz
  • Selenite

Mantra-based Meditation

  • Rhodonite  

A Meditation for you to try

Choose a crystal that you are drawn to and hold it in your hand (or choose two and hold one each hand).  Cleanse and programme before use  (See http://www.bodyinbalance.org.uk/choose.htm for more details).

Get yourself comfortable (either sitting, lying down, or whatever is comfortable for you) and take some long, slow deep breaths.  When your breathing is calm so is your body and mind.

Visualise yourself surrounded in a protective bubble and feel your feet firmly on the floor

Become aware of the crystal(s) in your hand(s).

Visualise the crystal(s) growing in size until it becomes the size of a small cave that you can get inside and be surrounded by the energy of the crystal(s)

Let this energy engulf your whole being and let it calm your mind.

Let this energy filter in to your thoughts and be guided to whatever you are drawn to think about.

Don't worry if this is everyday thoughts as you may be given the answer to a problem.

Likewise, it may just clear your mind and allow you to enjoy the stillness.

Just go with the flow of whatever you get.

Enjoy these moments of peace and relaxation.

Then in your own time, just allow your focus to bring you back in to your environment.

With your feet firmly on the ground ready to face your life again.

What I do

The Meditation sessions that I now run are bespoke sessions for individuals , couples or for small groups.

These sessions are structured for the needs of the individuals - e.g. relaxation and/or stress relief, pain relief, personal development etc.

Meditation sessions cost £15 for a one-to-one session, £20 per session for a couple, or £35 for a group of up to 5 people.

The sessions are approximately 45 minutes long & are bookable by times/days to suit. I  run these sessions from Brockenhurst, in the New Forest, Hampshire, England, but I can also run these via Skype.

I also offer bespoke Crystal & Angel Meditation sessions. I also sell Guided Meditation CD’s that I have composed and these can be purchased via my website http://www.bodyinbalance.org.uk/cd.htm  There are three different CD's :-

CD One - Morning and Evening Meditations

Track One is designed for first thing in the morning. It prepares & energises you for the day ahead (14 mins).

Track Two is designed to be used at night. This meditation reviews your day, helping you to “let go” of the days events, preparing you for a restorative nights sleep (26 mins).


This meditation is designed to be used at any time of the day when you would like your body to be filled with CALM. It will help you to remove stress, pain, tension and worries from your body (30 mins).

CD Three  - Chakra Balance

This CD will help you to Cleanse and balance your Chakras - energy centres within us that spin and keep our body, mind and spirit in balance.

Track One is designed for when you have time to dedicate to your chakras and give them a thorough balance and cleanse. (31.30 mins)

Track Two is designed to be used when time is short, but when you still wish to balance your chakras. (13.30 mins)

Cost - Special Offer £8 each or any two for £15 and they are available via mail order.

Please contact me for more details

I  am also currently running a monthly guided Crystal Meditation Group.  During these sessions we study and meditate with a different crystal each month.  This next session is on Thursday 15th March from 10.30am - 12.30pm.  Future sessions are on Thursday 19th April and Thursday 17th May.

If there is sufficient interest, I will also run an evening session.

The cost is £10 per session or £50 if you pay for 6 sessions in advance.  The cost includes the crystal that you will be meditating with, a handout containing information about that crystal and  refreshments. These sessions are held in Brockenhurst. Please contact me for more details.

I am also running some courses in conjunction with Ringwood Adult Education in Ringwood:-
Thursday 1st March from 9.30am - 12.30pm - A "Meditation Morning" - Learn how to meditate to help you to manage stress, pain & take control of your life.
Thursday 8th March from 9.30am - 12.30pm - Time for You - Learn how to relax and make time for yourself using breathing techniques, crystals and meditation
For more details go http://www.brock.ac.uk/courses/adult_learning/ringwood.php

Whatever type of meditation  you practice, your body and mind will benefit from it.

I will finish from a quote from Confucius, Chinese Ethical Teacher&  Philosopher, BC 551-479

The more man meditates upon good thoughts, the better will be his world and the world at large.

Happy meditating!

Body in Balance